About Us

SEA/SEIU Local 1984, headquartered in Concord. SEA/SEIU Local 1984 is made up of the state workforce in New Hampshire and a significant number of county, municipal, and private sector employees. SEIU – our international affiliate – comprises more than 300 local unions from North America and Puerto Rico. For decades before we became a part of SEIU, we were simply called the State Employees’ Association of New Hampshire (the “SEA”), an identity we maintain today.

We represent more than 10,000 public and private sector workers in New Hampshire, all committed to defending and improving the varied and critical services we provide for our state’s citizens and visitors.

To read SEA 1984’s Constitution, please see the link below. For more information on the Board policy, please visit the Board of Director’s page.

Our History

In 1940, a group of NH state employees met to socialize and discuss issues of common concern.

Before long this informal group became the voice of state employees and by the 1960s, nearly half of all state workers were SEA members, and all employee benefits granted by the legislature were the result of the SEA’s agenda and lobbying efforts.

In 1984, the SEA affiliated with the SEIU, an international labor union that represents service industry workers around the globe, including public employees. This affiliation protected SEA’s independence while providing valuable assistance to the association in the areas of political action, collective bargaining, and organizing.